
Interview with DynAmaze Founder: The Network Is the Most Important – Especially Early On

From beach volleyball to a visit to the zoo – those who spontaneously plan their free time often search through many sites and then don’t find what they’re looking for or end up paying a lot of money. The German startup DynAmaze provides a solution: On this digital platform, customers can see the available tickets for various activities in their respective region at a glance – and at a substantial discount.

DynAmaze is currently participating in the second batch of Start2raise (formerly Master Accelerator) for early-stage startups and motivated founding teams. The main goal of the program is to make the startups investor-ready.

We spoke with Jasper Klimas, one of the founders of DynAmaze, about how they came up with the idea for the platform, where they currently stand, and what they have learned so far in the Start2raise program.

Who is DynAmaze?

Jasper Klimas: The founding team has known each other since our studies in Cologne. During our semester abroad in Canada, we noticed for the first time that many seats remained empty during activities planned for us, such as city tours and the like. Since then, our eyes were sharpened and we saw more and more often that remaining seats were simply not sold.

Together with the knowledge from our economics studies, our idea was born: a booking platform for leisure activities. We use it to sell discounted remaining seats from our partner companies, such as musical performance tickets. It’s a real win-win situation: some people can see all the options at a glance and also pay less, while others make full use of their capacities. It’s also sustainable.

Did you immediately focus on leisure activities?

Klimas: At first, we were thinking about tables in restaurants. However, we quickly pivoted away from that and reoriented ourselves.

Our first partners included the Cologne Zoo and the Claudius Therme. Both were very open to us in the initial discussions. The good feedback from these talks naturally encouraged us and at the same time opened further doors.

In the meantime, we have gained around 90 partners, from amusement parks to rowing boat rentals. And we are proud that our first partners are still on board today.

How does that work for your partners? How complex is the connection to your platform?

Klimas: The connection is very simple for the partners. We take care of everything. As soon as they are connected, they can sell their remaining seats to us via the platform. We receive a commission for this. That means our customers only pay if we actually sell their tickets.

How did you become aware of the Start2raise program?

Klimas: We wanted to expand our network and learn about fundraising. That’s why we took part in Cashwalk, an event organized by Start2 (formerly German Entrepreneurship). That’s where we first heard about the Start2raise program.

We then took a look at the program and quickly realized it contained everything we wanted at this point, so we applied.

Why did a team from Cologne decide on a program in Munich?

Klimas: The location of the program wasn’t that important. The fact that it was Munich was an additional plus for us. We were already quite successful around Cologne and found many partners. But in the south, in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, there are many more potential partners for us. They are happy to get to know us not only virtually.

In addition, there is the good ecosystem for startups here in Munich, around LMU, TUM, and of course, Start2. We get so much, and above all, new feedback here helps us move forward. We were already well networked and known in Cologne, but with the additional impetus here, we have developed even further.

How does the Start2raise program support you?

Klimas: The network and the possibility to get an answer to all questions is very cool! We got two mentors through the program. They were placed with us based on our business model, so they were completely individualized and suited to us and our business model. We have regular meetings with them and can also turn to them with any questions and problems in between.

Plus the exchange with the other startups, both in the program and in the co-working space, is nice. Even though we all do different things, we all have similar challenges and questions. For example, we are currently looking for a software developer. The exchange with the others helps enormously.

What is something important that you dealt with thanks to the Start2raise program, even though you didn’t initially have it on your radar?

Klimas: Fundraising is a big issue for us and many other startups. We need money for our business. Start2raise gave us a lot of specific knowledge about this.

Above all, long-term thinking: Fundraising can only work if it’s worthwhile for the investors. That is, if we give them shares. But that only works if we still have enough shares in the future. The program has really made it second nature to us to take this into account.

What lesson or knowledge would you want to pass on to other founders or prospective founders?

Klimas: Have the courage to implement your own ideas! Validate quickly whether there is a demand and talk to your customers. Develop the product further together with the customers. Prioritize your tasks and focus on the important things. Get mentors and experts in your network.

What would you tell founders who are still considering applying to the Start2raise program?

Klimas: Just do it! You will definitely learn a lot, even from the interviews and the feedback in the application process.

What are your next steps as a startup team?

Klimas: We are currently closing an investment and want to gain a further foothold in the south of Germany. We will continue to expand in Germany and win more partners. To do this, we are expanding our network of investors and are always happy to hear from new contacts. The program is also a great help in this.

Does your startup still need support on its way to investor readiness? Then apply for the Start2raise program and learn from the real masters of the startup industry.

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