Start2raise: Kick-Off of the new cohort

Start2raise has kicked-off the new cohort of 10 startups on May 13: For 24 months, the founders from all over Germany receive individual support for their fundraising, six months of which they are personally coached by mentors specially selected for their needs and benefit from the know-how of Start2’s top experts.
Start2 Cashwalk
for Investors in Berlin

Cashwalk is the platform for startups and investors to meet in an exclusive environment.
This is your opportunity to meet with 30 startups and experience their 3-minute pitches live on stage – all in a single afternoon.
Start2 Cashwalk
for Startups in Munich

If you are an investment ready startup, this is your opportunity to secure your first or next funding round.
Start2 Cashwalk
for Investors in Munich

Cashwalk is the platform for startups and investors to meet in an exclusive environment.
This is your opportunity to meet with 30 startups and experience their 3 minute pitches live on stage – all in a single afternoon.

The milestone for international expansion and the foundation for scalable growth. The programs provide early-stage startups with the knowledge and tools needed to build and grow a scalable, global business right from the start. They empower you to make critical early decisions on product, market and business models and help to improve your growth trajectories […]

We prepare startups of all stages for their next funding round. The Start2raise team helps founders find the capital they need for their startup and accompanies them on their journey to success. We provide the tools and knowledge for the entire fundraising process and introduce the startups to our wide ranging network of investors and […]